Sunday, May 13, 2007

"The meaning of life"

You asked for it.


Anonymous said...

So...the meaning of life is balance? But balance is inherently impossible because the world itself is not balanced? Just like how the pig is, by definition, heavier then a garden snake? But the snake can at least have a good time while fighting a losing battle because he's a wearing a fancy top hat? And perhaps a monocle? And the pig is wearing a baby passifier on his head to symbolize that, even though he can "beat the system", he is indeed just a child in this infinitely complex and wondrous universe?

Well that's depressing.

Anonymous said...

No... It's a see-saw... Ups and downs... duh...

Adam said...

"the pig is, by definition, heavier then a garden snake"?

I disagree. There's no reason a well-fed garden snake couldn't weigh more than a runt pig, so "by definition" means little.

Furthermore, the picture would appear to show the pig being much larger than the snake, however:

1)You have not taken perspective into account-- maybe the pig is much closer than the snake, and

2)You apparently have not realized (or fail to accept) the fact that Joe Mathlete loses at art, so judgments based on his comparative sizes are flawed at best.

Try again, sir...

sammy.the.k said...

i take it that

the snake with the tophat represents the current generation of adults that are leading the pigs to slaughter with their ill fated decisions outweighing the innocence of our children (our future).

or it could be a snake playing seesaw with a pig.

Anonymous said...

wow, sammy knows how its goin down. nice call.